The Marvellous Mechanical Museum is a visually stunning blend of art, science and engineering full of fun.

Automaton (n.) (plural: Automata): a small, mechanical figure that can move automatically.

From the Cabaret Mechanical Theatre comes an entertaining, interactive, and whimsical show. Explore automata created by Cornish artists, discover their inner workings at the push of a button or turn of a lever, and learn about the mechanics, engineering and art that goes into the delightful creations.

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre have played an integral role in the revival of automata and in supporting a growing number of automata makers. Recognising the potential popularity of these moving machines, CMT actively encouraged a group of makers in Falmouth, Cornwall to make automata to sell in their local craft shop, Cabaret. CMT often actively guided the artists’ creative direction, looking for wit and entertainment in the automata that they collected.

Curious Contraptions

Create mechanical art and be a part of this large performance piece. Part workshop, part performance, part exhibit, the Marvellous Mechanical Museum Workshop, ‘Curious Contraptions’, combines construction, art and engineering while letting you learn the basics of mechanical movement and control.

Take part to create an individual, cam driven automata out of curious and colourful objects. Your automata will be linked together with other creations to form a single, snaking line of spinning cams, colours and shapes turned by a single handle or motor.

Curious Contraptions will run through the Easter Holidays, Saturday 30 March – Saturday 13 April